In a shocking revelation, Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec of the War Room exposed the scandalous plans of the globalist elities who have been secretly controlling Joe Biden’s regime. The bombshell dropped when Bannon and Posobiec revealed that Joe Biden was planning to give the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor given to a civilian, to none other than George Soros in a closed-door White House ceremony.
“They are spitting in your face on the way out,” Posobiec exclaimed during the War Room broadcast on Saturday. “It’s the ultimate middle finger to America.”
Bannon chimed in, stating that the move is proof positive that the elites behind the Deep State have been calling the shots all along. “They are the ones who have been in charge. They’ve been running the show while Biden has been in a daze.”
Posobiec went on to warn the millions of War Room listeners to not let their guard down, even with Trump’s imminent return to power. “If you think they aren’t setting traps and laying the groundwork for more sabotage, you’re sadly mistaken. We need to be vigilant.”
The host also used the occasion to remind everyone that the War Room has been on the right track for years in exposing the elite globalists’ scheme to sell out America. “When we said the government was being run by foreign powers who serve the interests of the elites over the people, everyone thought we were crazy. Well, now you see the proof!”
Bannon detailed the extensive efforts underway by Biden’s henchmen like Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is jetting around the world to Japan, France and South Korea to give a final green light to the anti-American forces. “They are deploying the entire operation, folks. This is it. They are going for broke to undermine Trump even now at the last minute.”
Posobiec ominously stated that giving the nation’s highest award to a man who has made war on America is clearly a sign that they intend to return to power at the first opportunity. “They are saying to us, ‘We’ll be back.’ So we need to ready ourselves for a hard fight to purge these traitors for good.”
Bannon ended the segment with a call to action: “Get the shovels and trenching tools ready, patriots! This time we need to really dig these parasites out once and for all. No more game playing – it’s war.”
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