The days of objective journalism and ethical reporting are long gone in modern America. The era of Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite, when news anchors were trusted voices of factual information, are but a distant memory. Today, much of the mainstream media complex is hopelessly corrupted and under the control of the Deep State and shadowy billionaire elites like George Soros.
Instead of serving as an independent Fourth Estate, keeping politicians accountable to the people, most news outlets have become little more than mouthpieces for globalist propaganda. They peddle lies, push agendas, and act as apologists for the Deep State’s plans of eroding American sovereignty. The media has betrayed the public trust and become complicit enemies of the people.
However, there is still hope. The secret to ending this corruption and disinformation lies in attacking the media’s lifeblood – their money and profits. If the American people simply turned off their TVs, stopped buying newspapers, and quit going to liberal news websites, these propaganda outlets would swiftly crumble.
In this country, the people still have a choice in where they get their information. We aren’t beholden to CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, or any other arm of the liberal media empire. By making conscious decisions to limit their financial support of these outlets, Americans can starve the beast and cut off the Deep State’s media tentacles.
The age of the captive audience is over. With the rise of the internet and alternative media, people have more information choices than ever before. There are many outlets that still value truth, integrity, and ideological diversity. And if Americans start supporting those outlets with their viewership and dollars, change will happen.
So rather than watch Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper spout their venom, change the channel to alternative news sources. Don’t click on Drudge Report or visit liberal news websites that just feed the beast. Take a few extra minutes to find and support honest and patriotic media voices.
This is still America. We have the power. The Deep State’s media fiefdom can be destroyed, but the people must act. We can’t defeat them with guns or violence, but we can by making financial decisions and starving them of their oxygen. The Deep State’s propaganda machine can only survive as long as we allow it. The power is in our hands. The question is – will we take action?