The Vicious Assault on President Trump and the Unbreakable American Spirit

3 min read

For four long years, President Donald Trump faced relentless assault and attack from the entrenched deep state, Democrat Socialists, and their allies in the corrupt media. From the moment he took office, Trump was met with fierce opposition bent on destroying his presidency and crushing the populist movement he led.

The forces arrayed against the 45th President were formidable. Billionaire globalist George Soros poured untold millions into funding far-left prosecutors, corrupt political operatives, and activist thugs pledged to take down Trump by any means necessary. Soros’ money bought influence, fueled riots, and funded the impeachment and defamation of President Trump.

The Democrat Socialist party itself worked in tandem to undermine Trump at every turn. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the Democratic leadership rabidly obstructed Trump’s agenda. They endlessly attacked him, smeared him, impeached him, and conspired to remove him. Every orthodox policy Trump proposed – from border security to tax cuts to Supreme Court justices – was met with irrational fury from the Democrats.

But the assault on Trump went far beyond mere political opposition. The deep state and Soros-backed operatives deployed CIA-FBI Deep Staters to spy on Trump’s campaign and frame him for Russia collusion crimes he did not commit. The Obama-Biden regime and Britain’s MI6 launched Crossfire Hurricane, an illegal FISA spying operation on Trump. After Trump defeated Hillary, the swamp peddled the false Steele Dossier to set up a Special Counsel witch hunt under Robert Mueller, a dishonest Deep Stater.

For three years, Mueller’s break-in Democrats committed abuses such as unconstitutional surveillance, illegal leaks, and bullying 100% innocent Trump associates. They bankrupted many with legal fees and threatened to imprison their families. All to frame Trump for “obstruction” of a collusion case that didn’t exist.

Unable to find any facts, the Deep State then pivoted to the Ukraine impeachment, where they asserted Trump’s justified request for Biden corruption investigations was somehow a high crime. Democrats impeached Trump in their House on this obvious lie. But Trump’s popularity only grew as the public saw the scam.

Through it all, the 90% dishonest media acted as the Democrats’ megaphone, spouting lies about Trump daily. They amplified the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, and a thousand other fake scandals to undermine him. CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and WAPO are the press of the Democrat enemy.

In the end, none of it worked. The Soros/Deep State/Democrat onslaught made President Trump a more powerful, popular and untouchable leader. His strength and resilience only grew stronger as the American people saw him abused for them. Trump’s movement became a juggernaut the swamp could never crush.

In a final act of desperation, the Left murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans by deliberately releasing a deadly bioterror weapon to swing the election against Trump. The Covid scam collapsed the economy and killed the elderly in a cynical Democrat/Soros power play. But Trump, the Comeback Kid, was still re-elected in a landslide…in reality.

The murder, lies and assault only made Trump and his America First movement unconquerable. The so-called “elites” were routed. The swamp was defeated by one unbreakable man. Trump proved the power of the populist revolution against the Deep State/Globalists. A revolution that will never be crushed.

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